I'm back now...and have things to share. I'm currently working on an art quilt - but the project is way out of control. Why does that happen to me? Even though I start projects like this with a sketch - but before I know it, the project is way bigger than originally planned...and I'm in over my head. Just see this other art quilt I was going to make for proof... Since this one will be a gift, I'm struggling forward with it. Not the easiest thing to do - especially when I don't have any sewing experience. At all. Everything I sew is done with a wing and prayer. The childebeasts have killed my computer. In my absence, they have taken to downloading things - things I don't understand. This is a problem when you're already dealing with a system you don't understand (like Linux). I had just gotten it where I could deal with it...and now it's all goofy. Which means it isn't recognizing my camera. I have photos to show you...but they are currently stuck on my little Canon. Rather than leaving you with nothing, I will show you a few things I got on the computer before the 'beasts caused it to croak. It feels good to be back. Enjoy!

I hope I didn't already post these - these are the torsos I did for a swap. It was so fun!

I did a total of 6 torsos for the swap. Did I mention how fun this was?

9 Royal Responses:
Katherine! I'm so glad you're finally back! I'm so sorry you've been having health issues (speaking of one who knows..) . Thank you for letting us know what's been going on, and sharing your amazing art with us. Those torsos are really special :-D
Take care,
My goodness Katherine, I hope you are feeling much better. I'm glad that you got your veneer. After seeing your wonderful artwork it's going to be a real treat to see what you create.
I'll be stopping in again. I love your sense of humor. Oh, I almost forgot....Love the torsos.
Love those torsos. Really like your blog too! Suzie :0
I'm so glad you're back. I'm sorry you've been in such crappy health. We'll have to catch up soon.
Hey, Katherine! I'm glad you are back! I kept checking to see if you are okay. Glad to see you up and posting again. :)
the torsos are really cool. so glad to hear you are feeling better
Katherine: So good to see you back. I kept checking in daily to see if there was any word - I was so worried about you! Hope your health continues to improve. The torsos are beautiful. You are so creative!
welcome back, I missed you and wondered how you were doing!
Hey those are so beautiful pictures.
And a wonderful article too.
Thanks for sharing.
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Welcome! I will respond to comments here, in order to keep the discussion going. I try to return the love with a visit/comment to your blog.
Go ahead - flap your gums! What's the skinny?