Scrapbooking Generosity

Scrapbooking from the Inside Out has launched their November kit Generosity, perfect for this time of year. This kit is so graceful and stylish – full of rich, deep color and elegant design, with coins, copper accents, shimmery self-adhesive mosaic tiles, and pretty Prima.
This month they’ll help you explore how you give of your time and money, inspiring a generous spirit in yourself and your family, positive self care vs. selfishness, and the big and small gestures that create connection in your life.
Here are two GENEROSITY-themed LOs from SFTIO’s DT Coordinator, Nancy Doren, that were created using the kit:
Scrapbooking from the Inside Out’s industry-exclusive content will help you explore your inner world with a music playlist, journaling prompts, moving photos, inspiring quotes, and meaningful monthly challenges.

The above was taken from the Scrapbook Trends Blog (a link to the main site - which is jam-packed...STUFFED...with information - can be found here). They are holding a contest to win one of the Generosity kits. For full details, check out this blog post. Scrapbook Trends is a great place to find fresh inspiration and great ideas. If you haven't been there before - and enjoy scrapbooking (digital or traditional) &/or paper crafting - I recommend a visit. There is always something fun to learn!

This site also serves as a portal for the blogs of some really terrific magazines: Cards, Bead Trends, Scrapbook Trends, and Simply Handmade. No matter which artistic alley you find most interesting, this is like the mecca for creativity and information!


Wix's Halloween Gift

In a surprising (semi) continuation of yesterday's post, look what I found last night...
Although this man and woman look innocent enough...
They definitely have a little crazy running through them...

I have no idea who this is...but what a great face to demonstrate "crazy"!
Why would I say that about such seemingly normal people?

I was gathering laundry yesterday and came upon something that took me aback. I wasn't expecting it at all. I had to wait for Wix to come home so I could ask him about it - and it turns out, those seemingly normal people gave it to him in his Halloween bag.

What, exactly, did I come across?

To the Male Species...

...a general note to teenagers and men: there are other people in the world, you can vacuum just as well as I can, dirty socks in the middle of the floor are not "home decor", there is no magic cleaning/cooking fairy, and you'd be smart to just accept "I have a headache" to mean "ask me to do one more thing or touch me and you're taking your life into your own hands". Then again, when said at the right moment - and in just the right tone - it can also mean "you screwed up big time - and I'm not going to tell you what you did. You figure it out - quickly - and then go out of your way to apologize/fix it - for as long as it takes for my "headache" to go away."

Just doing my part to educate the male population of the world...after spending the last few days with my boys, this apparently needs to be said.

That is all.

One Lovely Blog Award

I'll admit it...I'm a horrible blogger. A terrible blogging friend. An inexcusable award poster. (Award poster? Somehow that's one thing I never saw myself as...a poster. I've known for a long time that the childebeasts were poster children for good birth control, but me? I wonder what I would say as a poster.)


There is this most incredible blog I read - Candles, Crafts, and Whatnot. The author is Kat, a woman with a heart of gold and a treasure trove of talent. She's incredible in so many ways - and maybe that's why I put off accepting such an award. I don't feel like I deserve it - especially from someone like Kat. She gives me something to aspire to, someone to emulate, and her talent provides me with a creative jolt. I absolutely think the world of her...even though she probably hates me for taking six eons to post the kindness she bestowed upon me!

Not only does Kat run Candles, Crafts, and Whatnot, she also keeps another blog - Soy Wax Candles. Both blogs are equally interesting - and both have a wide variety of information. Candles, Crafts, and Whatnot is a great place to go if you're looking for a laugh - Kat's sense of humor really shines on her blogs. Whether you're looking for interesting information or a good laugh, this lady has you covered. Definitely a daily must read!

Thankfully, Kat has included a link to her ArtFire shop on both blogs - and it's a great place to see her latest pieces. For example, check out this incredible necklace. Don't you just love it??

If you want to see more of Kat's gorgeous pieces, be sure to visit her ArtFire store, Kats Candles. You can view her delectable creations - and this is the place to pick up some of her gorgeous handmade items for yourself. Kat has done a fabulous job of making her offerings very affordable - without sacrificing quality or beauty.

Now that you know a little about Kat and her wonderful spirit, her creativity, and her tremendous talent, you can see why girlfriend has accumulated a whopping 30 awards. WOW! I will get on with the rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award".

Kat explains the rules like this:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Not an easy accomplishment! I've already gotten the first part done, so it's on to naming 15 other blogs I've newly discovered. That's the hard part...but here we go - in no particular order...



Thank you so much, Kat. I accept the Award with gratitude - and please know that my inability to get this posted has nothing to do with the way your kindness touched my heart. I'm just a terminal dork. I can't help it.

** Please note: If you aren't on this list, it doesn't mean I don't love and adore your awesome blog. The rules of the award state you must include recently discovered blogs - and you can only have 15. I could have named many more phenomenal blogs because each of you is special, amazing, admirable, and wonderful. I chose these blogs based on the ones I've found most recently, then kind of whichever I came across first when I got to the group of great blogs I found about the same time. **
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