UHU Review

About three weeks ago I was searching the web for an appropriate adhesive to use in my latest project. I came across a website run by Maria Filosa. As fellow royalty, she is known by some as the Adhesive Queen. When I saw she was looking for people to review UHU on their blogs, I sent in an email. A very nice gal by the name of Rebecca responded - and promptly send out the two UHU products as seen in the picture. I received them quickly and immediately began thinking about which projects I wanted to use these on.

Since I've always got at least 499 projects going at once, I didn't have a shortage of ideas. Setting my favorite trusty adhesives aside (which was extremely difficult), I stuck both containers of UHU in their place.

I had never tried UHU prior to this but had seen it at all the local craft stores. I am not a fan of glue sticks so I'd never considered purchasing UHU. I was surprised when the samples showed up - there weren't any old, dried up, gummy glue sticks here! I received a permanent UHU Glue Roller (one of my favorite applicators) and a 3.21 fl oz bottle of UHU All Purpose Glue in this cool new "Twist & Glue" applicator. Since I'm such a fan of roller-type applicators, I jumped in to use that one first.


This is different than most adhesives that come on a roller applicator. This ROCKS! I love that it's so sticky - but doesn't get all gummed up on the sides of the applicator. I also love that there's literally gazillions of minuscule dots instead of annoying tabs or semi-tacky, double-sided tape. This adhesive is very strong and held my paper together well - as well as card stock tags, lightweight metal tags, acetate and die cuts. It's also worked well on holding a variety of fibers/ribbon - and I haven't experienced the puckering that some adhesives cause. The only minor change I would make is to increase the length of the refills (or sell them in multi packs) because this stuff is addictive!
Since UHU has begun manufacturing refills for this comfortable applicator, I'm sold on it.I'm really glad I have an alternative to the larger applicators that never seem to work right! FINAL GRADE: A


This is one of those "why didn't I think of that??" ideas. The bottle is a good sized bottle - however I would like to see an even larger sized bottle available. The glue is strong and has held on all projects I've used it on - paper, acetate, lightweight metal, rubber...even a small wood embellishment. I love the versatility of both the glue AND the applicator. I was surprised at the number of different substrates this glue worked on - and the weight of the objects it would hold. I am in love with the cool applicator and wonder why it took someone so long to think of this. (Although it never crossed my mind!) It's awesome and definitely cuts down on the amount of applicators/adhesives you need to keep.

The top is a screw top - the screw action controlling whether you get a small tip with which to apply the glue or a flat "spreader" surface. It's terrific. You can use this in tight spaces - and with a flick of the wrist, use the same bottle for larger applications. It's non-toxic - which means I don't have to worry about the childebeasts getting into it - and it has no odor. It also dries quickly. I did notice the best results are achieved when you use the large "spreader" tip to apply glue to a large space - using it with the tip out seems to allow too much glue to "plop out", increasing the chances of paper buckling. The larger flat tip totally alleviates this issue. FINAL GRADE: A

I am completely thrilled with having tested both these products. Like I said before, I'd never used UHU before - in any form. Although I detest glue sticks, I'm willing to rethink that idea and give their glue stick a chance. If their glue sticks are as wonderful as these two items, I have no doubt I'll become a glue-stick-convert. I'm so glad I signed up for this opportunity - and appreciate that I have a fabulous new tool in my arsenal! I give UHU my royal stamp of approval!


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